Wednesday, March 14, 2012

13 GOING ON 30 (fun and flirty edition)

let me start out with reminding that this is one of my fiancees movies the film stars marvels Elektra, the latest incredible Hulk, and Gollum and somehow not Hector Elizondo. Seriously i dont know who he would play but i just feel he should be in this somewhere. its kind of a mix a freaky Friday and big where a young girl (13 as the title suggests) wishes she was 30 (an odd request) and wakes up as herself in the future. the begging of the film has great 80's fashion and lingo, was anybody outside an 80's movie ever called "dorkus". when as a 13 year old her parents bust in on her and i cant help but thinking Ed Bagley Jr should have played the dad. Another plot point that i feel is only a movie thing, and i wasn't a cool kid and did go to the cool kid parties so i could be wrong but do people really play 7 minutes in heaven? it sounds creepy and dangerously close to date rape. i got a kick out of the fact that the most recent issue of the magazine Jennifer Garner works for has jennifer lopez on he cover (jlo had a much publicised break up with ben aflek who later went on to marry garner). The movie has a great 80's pop soundtrack except at one point they play why cant i by liz phair which is a modern song. there is a big party scene where it turns out half the party goers know the thriller dance and can perform it perfectly. Amazon doesn't sell a book titled Magazine publishing for dummies but does have Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Magazine Articles and that's close enough. Jennifer Garner is actually really good in the film however during her big emotional sales pitch her nipples are poking through her shirt and that takes you out of the moment, not a bad moment just to a different one. also there is the scene where she is as a grown up attending a party with a bunch of 13 year olds. what was that front door moment like "hi i am a gown woman and i am here to hang out will all these kids that's not weird at all. there was one holy shit moment when i realized the taxi driver is jim gaffigan! there also an alternate opening and ending where the kids are played by much worse actors.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


what a great way to start off this project. 12 angry men is easily in my top 10 films of all time (also the basis for jury duty easily one of my top 10 favorite Pauly shore movies). The film stars the likes of Henry Fonda, the voice of piglet, Zorak's favorite actor Jack Klugman, and a man who is seemingly the oldest man in the world. The film its self takes place almost entirely within one room, a non letterbox or widescreen version enhances the feeling that your there with these men. In the film a jury is locked in a jury room to deliberate on a case of a son who stands accused of murdering his father. at the onset all but one man are ready to convict. this lone wolf Henry Fonda has his doubts and as he shares them with the group he begins to sway them to his side. the film is small and character driven, we learn the personalities of all 12 men. juror #12 works in an ad agency we know this because he mentions it about 4 billion times. any time i am in an argument about the death penalty i always break out the "perhaps you would like to pull the switch" lines although this film makes no argument for or against the death penalty its about the right to a fair trial and the burden of proof in such cases. i think this film should be a required civics lesson for every high school student. it is odd to me that in the 1950's you could apparently bring a switchblade into a court house.

there is a made for tv remake that i have never seen that stars tony danza and george c scott, but i am surprised there has not been a theatrical remake with george cloony in the fonda role

Monday, March 5, 2012

Welcome the basics of this blog are i will be watching the movies in me and my fiancees DVD collection and writing my thoughts, reviews, and general musings on the movies. The movies will be watched in alphabetical order starting with numbers so 12 angry men will be the first film examined. should we get a new movie whose alphabetical section has been passed that movie will jump to the front of the list. i hope you enjoy me enjoying (or suffering through) these movies. my goal is to update atleast once a week